#kami kami no mi
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l4kami · 9 months ago
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now-a-witch · 3 months ago
Yo viendo la escena de Khun convenciendo a Wangnan de hacer equipo pa la workshop battle: "Te lo están bajando Bam!, ya ves, pa que te vas pues?"
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forgottenbones · 6 months ago
Come diceva un mio conoscente, "Se la gente si facesse una forchettata di cazzi suoi, male non farebbe".
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seragamolahraga1384 · 8 months ago
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saturdaysschiyo · 1 year ago
PALING MURAH,Call +62 857-1996-7433 , Camilan yang bikin nagih
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ivoryteeth · 2 years ago
mag cebuano nalang ko para di ma basa ang luod na akong suwaton
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0852-9000-9353 Bisnis Universe Bisnis Yang Cocok Untuk Anak Muda Untung Besar
Bisnis Rumahan Yang Menguntungkan Sukses Cepat, Bisnis Paling Aman Auto Sultan, Bisnis Yang Akan Booming Di Tahun 2022 Menjanjikan, Bisnis Yang Ada Di Indonesia Paling Istimewa, Bisnis Yang Akan Meledak Di Masa Depan Untung Besar
Bisnis adalah kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh individu atau kelompok untuk menghasilkan keuntungan dengan menjual produk atau layanan kepada konsumen. Dalam dunia bisnis, penjualan yang sukses tergantung pada kemampuan untuk menarik perhatian dan meyakinkan calon pelanggan bahwa produk atau layanan yang ditawarkan memiliki nilai yang luar biasa.
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fly-underwater · 25 days ago
Taki post z nikąd, wiem że zbyt często mnie tu nie ma 🙃
Byłam wczoraj na Wigilii u znajomych ze studiów i chyba jest ze mną źle.
Był tort (bo wiecie, potrójne urodziny - koleżanka D & koleżanka D i Jezuska 🥰😅), więc zjadłam kawałek. Nawet zjadłam cały a większość dziewczyn zostawiła połowę. Nie był jakiś super (bo jedna z solenizantek nie lubi bardzo słodkich tortów, więc była domowa wersja Snickersa na kremie budyniowym), więc tym bardziej nie wiem czemu zjadłam go całego.
Późnej wypiłam kubeczek barszczu czerwonego z torebki - bardzo dobry 10/10 Kamis xd To była chyba jedyna rzecz na którą serio czekałam jedzeniowo.
Później wleciała mini babeczka z proszku (wsm tylko po to, żeby sprawić przyjemność dziewczynie, która je zrobiła, bo mało kto jej jadł a były serio smaczne).
No i na koniec duży langosz. Na to też czekałam, kolega zrobił sam to stwierdziłam że koniecznie chcę spróbować chociaż to tłuste jak cholera. Był ok, być może świeżo po usmażeniu jest jeszcze lepszy + trafił mi się ogromny 🥴
I wtedy przyszła pora na powrót do domu, bo nie chciałyśmy wracać ze środku lasu z koleżanką o północy do domu na pieszo większość czasu.
Powiem tak, byłam przygotowana, że będę musiała zjeść, nawet już z góry wpisałam wszystko w Yazio, kcal się zgadzały (bo na śniadanko wleciało jabłko i jajko, a na obiad zupa groszkowa). Ale bylam wewnętrzne przerażona bo i tak na kolację wyszło ponad 1000 kcal.
Więcej - niby jadłam i mi smakowało, ale wcale nie cieszyłam się tym, do tego stopnia, że co chwilę się pytali czy wszystko ok. Strasznie mi było przez to głupio, bo obchodzili się ze mną jak z jajkiem, a dodając do tego fakt, że jestem najmniej rozrywkowa z tego grona, było mi po prostu niekomfortowo.
Ale wracając, wcale się nie cieszyłam z jedzenia, ale jednocześnie się nie hamowałam. Mogłam przecież zjeść pół ciasta. Albo nie zjeść babeczki. Albo walczyć o mniejszego langosza. Ale nie, ja po prostu biernie brałam i brałam i brałam.
Jestem zawiedziona sobą.
Jedynym posiedzeniem jest to, że dalej waga się zgadza 🥲
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gingacat · 3 months ago
my twst yuu oc!
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name: Miyuu Toshigami (年神 美祐 - Toshigami Miyū)
birthday: March 19 (Pisces)
age: 17
height: 159 cm
homeland: Japan
grade: Freshman (Sophomore in her world)
class: Class A
club: Mountain lovers club
best subject: Conjuration
hobbies: Talking to bugs
pet peeves: People disrupting the peace
favorite food: Fried rice cake
least favorite food: Ketchup
talent: Cleaning
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Miyuu is very calm and peaceful, but she can get incredibly passive agressive when irritated. She speaks in Kansai dialect, and the phrase she repeats the most is definitely "kamahen, kamahen" (it's okay, no worries). Her voice is soothing, and hearing her screaming is certainly cursed — but it can happen if someone somehow manages to infuriate her.
She loves bugs and doesn't accept people slandering them. "disgusting? yeah, i believe you would know that." says Miyuu with a peaceful smile on her face, but if you squint hard enough you can see the veins popping out of her forehead.
Miyuu likes to help people and, disregarding the passive aggressiveness, is always kind to everyone even if they aren't nice to her at all. She was taught that nothing good comes from doing bad things and decides that if she can't change the world, at least she can choose to be a good person herself.
She is brave and will never allow or approve something that "disturbs the harmony" to happen when she is around. She believes that harming people and physically hurting them will make her not only impure, but also cursed. No matter what, if she sees someone or something in danger, she will always try to save them.
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Miyuu was born and raised in a Shinto shrine inside of a sacred forest in Kyoto. She is a miko (shrine maiden), daughter of a kannushi (priest), and mostly helps in tasks such as cleaning the shrine and aiding her father during rituals.
While she grew up in the forest, Miyuu went to school in the city nearby, but was never able to make any friends. Instead she became very fond of the insects that resided in the forest, which ended up becoming her only friends.
She teleported to Twisted Wonderland when she realized a distracted classmate (who was also her previous bully) was about to be run over by the carriage, and Miyuu jumped in to save the girl's life. Her stick-bug friend Kōhī, who was in her pocket, got teleported together.
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美祐 - the first kanji (Mi) means beautiful, and the second (yuu) means assist.
Toshigami is a Japanese kami and part of the Shinto pantheon.
Miyuu's voice claim: Eli Ayase from Love Live
Miyuu's coffin icon
Her chibi
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Sean bienvenidos mis queridos fanáticosarqueológicos a una nueva entrega de prehistoria Japónesa en esta ocasión nos trasladamos a la pregunta ¿Cuándo se originó el sintoísmo?. - Aunque parezca raro es una religión que se conformo durante el periódo Jōmon (17.500-300), para ser exactos a finales de dicho período y continua hasta nuestros días los dioses del sintoísmo, se les llama Kamis ( dios) ya que para los japoneses todo tenía un dios las montañas, ríos. - El sintoísmo tiene influencias chinas, coreanas de hay que tenga similitudes con el taoísmo, ¿Qué dos libros recogen la categoría de los Kamis? Son el Kojiki(713d.c) y el Nihonshoki(720d.c). - Espero que os guste y nos vemos en una próxima públicacion un cordial saludo. 🇯🇵 私の愛する考古学ファンを日本の先史時代の新作に歓迎します。今回は、神道がいつ始まったのかという質問に移ります。 - 奇妙に思えるかもしれませんが、縄文時代(17500-300)に形成された宗教であり、正確にはその時代の終わりに、今日まで神道の神であり、カミス(神)と呼ばれています。 日本人にとって、山や川にはすべて神がいました。 - 神道は中国、韓国の影響を受けており、道教との類似点があります。 カミスのカテゴリーに分類される2冊の本は何ですか? こうじき(713d.c)と日本書紀(720d.c)です。 - よろしくお願いします。次の出版物で心からのご挨拶を申し上げます。 🇬🇧 Welcome my dear archaeological fans to a new installment of Japanese prehistory, this time we move to the question, when did Shintoism originate? - Although it may seem strange, it is a religion that was formed during the Jōmon period (17500-300), to be exact at the end of that period and continues to this day the gods of Shintoism, they are called Kamis (god) since for the Japanese everything the mountains and rivers had a god. - Shintoism has Chinese, Korean influences, and there are similarities with Taoism. What two books are classified under the category of the Kamis? They are the Kojiki (713d.c) and the Nihonshoki (720d.c). - I hope you like it and see you in a next publication a cordial greeting.
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konjaku · 25 days ago
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野原薊[Noharaazami] Cirsium oligophyllum
野原[Nohara] : Field, plain
薊[Azami] : Thistle
There were few flowers in the field, where the signs of autumn had disappeared. In the midst of all this, Azami(s) were barely blooming. Looking at them, the cephalic inflorescences (head flowers) were shorter and the purple flowers were darker in color than those usually seen. Probably due to the morning and evening frosts of the past few days, several had faded away despite being in bloom.
When I was looking at the faded color of Azami, I remembered the following tanka.
花の色は うつりにけりな いたづらに わが身世にふる ながめせしまに
[Hana no iro wa utsuri ni keri na itazura ni wa ga mi yo ni furu nagame seshi ma ni] Just as the colors of flowers fade during it rains on long days(長雨が降る[Nagaame ga furu]), so my appearance has faded, while I am just absently looking on(眺め[Nagame]) my aging(古る[Furu]) in this world. No. 9 in 百人一首[Hyakunin Isshu] by 小野小町[Ono-no Komachi] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ono_no_Komachi
Well, often in the news, "Today, December 14, is the day of 討入[Uchiiri](The raid)". This refers to 赤穂事件[Akō jiken](The Akō incident) that occurred in the Edo period. It was the incident in which forty seven retainers took revenge for their lord 浅野内匠頭[Asano takumi-no kami], who had been taunted by 吉良上野介[Kira kōzuke-no suke], drew his sword inside Edo Castle and commited seppuku (ritual suicide). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forty-seven_rōnin
But, it was on 元禄十五年十二月十四日[Genroku jūgo nen jūni gatsu jūyokka](The fourteenth day of the twelfth month of the fifteenth year of Genroku) of the lunar calendar and is January 30, 1703, in the Gregorian calendar, therefore, not today.
There is such a thing as 狂歌[Kyōka](Mad poetry). To put this simply, it is a parody tanka. After that incident, many kyōka(s) were created and spread through the world. One of them is as follows. The author is unknown. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kyōka
上野は きられにけりな いたづらに 我が身 夜抜を せんとせしまに
[Kōzuke wa kirare ni keri na itazura ni wa ga mi yonuke wo sen to seshi ma ni] Kira Kōzuke was cut off(斬られ[Kirare]) uselessly while he was trying to flee in the night. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0055850/
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fatimahshinta · 1 month ago
Behind the scenes sebelum menikah hampir 3 th yg lalu,
Setelah keluarga calon suami datang, dan menyatakan keinginannya utk turut mengundang beberapa jumlah undangan pada hari H walimah
Malamnya berembug dg ummi dan abi, kalo-meskipun itu akan ditanggung bersama- tapi diluar kemampuan kami saat itu
Dan keputusan yg kubuat,
"Oke sampaikan saja poin keberatan kita mi, bi. Kalo memang jodoh akan lancar jalannya. Kalo bukan ya yaudah, Allah ganti juga tidak masalah"
Karena niat dari awal membuka diri utk menikah bukan tambah menjadi beban org tua... di saat aku yg saat itu masih koas, belum bisa banyak urun biaya..
Dan semalaman hanya melafalkan QS An Najm : 48
"Allahu aghnaa waa aqnaa"
"Allah Maha Kaya lagi Maha Mencukupkan", sambil mbrebes mili..
Dan alhamdulillah, Allah mudahkan jalannya
Keluarga calon suami Oke tidak mengundang banyak pihak.
2 minggu setelah akad,
Atas kebebalanku, mahar hanya ku sisakan 1 buah cincin, selebihnya kami jual
Agar tidak perlu ada tanggungan hutang saat memulai menikah
Karena menikah, lagi-lagi bukan gemebyar pesta yg kami cari..
Tapi semoga ridha Allah satu-satunya alasan kami.. dan menyederhakan prosesinya mjd salah satu ikhtiar kami..
Ah, bukankah doa yg disunnahkan utk pengantin baru hanya barokah yg diharapkannya?
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auxiliarydetective · 3 months ago
OHC Day Three: Merch/Memorabilia
Devil Fruits For Everyone!
One Piece has a lot of merch, a good portion of it riddled with fanservice. Instead, I decided to go for devil fruit plushies and figurines.
Originally, I wanted to draw every OC devil fruit I have, but then...
Me: Oh, cool! Day three is devil fruit day! Some nice, chill sketches!
Also me, picking the most complicated fruits to draw: ...
So yeah, I only did 5 out of 8½. The half one is Kaede's fruit. If you know you know.
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01: Kami Kami no Mi, Model: Shikigami | Spirit Spirit Fruit, Model: Shikigami (Inari's fruit)
02: Hoshi Hoshi no Mi | Star Star Fruit (Sashi's fruit)
03: Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Tiefling | Human Human Fruit, Model: Tiefling (Eevee's Fruit)
04: Doro Doro no Mi | Slime Slime Fruit (Miela's Fruit)
05: Neko Neko no Mi, Model: Lynx | Cat Cat Fruit, Model: Lynx (Lux's fruit)
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General Taglist: @starcrossedjedis @oneirataxia-girl @daughter-of-melpomene @bravelittleflower @box-of-bats
One Piece Taglist: @supermarine-silvally
Let me know if you’d like to be added or removed!
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seragamolahraga1384 · 8 months ago
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saturdaysschiyo · 1 year ago
MELAYANI BERBAGAI ACARA ,Call +62 857-1996-7433, Snack Murah Di Jakarta Timur
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potato-imouto · 9 months ago
Meet my One Piece CP0 OC: SPOLIARIUM
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She's codenamed after the painting "Spoliarium" by Juan Luna
She's a Masked Assasin as well
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She's 25 years old (23,pre timeskip)
Her height is 160cm
Everyone around her treats her like a Little sister--
If she smiles at you ominously,RUN
She's only nice to those who are nice to her.
But she thinks that some people are still redeemable and hoping those people can be redeemed someday.
Only few people can call her 'Spoli' for short
She's close to lucci (🧐)
Her fave food is Matcha cake and Honeycomb candy
(But she sometimes eat alot cuz her of DF for a reason)
Her hobbies is to draw and read fiction and comics,and taking pictures with her cameko mushi as well.
Her fave comic was OddFamily (which is literally SpyxFamily in One Piece universe in my headcanon)
DF user
Her Devil Fruit was called Kami-Kami no mi (paper paper fruit),It grants her the ability to manipulate paper,turn her body and her target she touches into literal pages of paper to read their information,write on it,and rip it off said page (which will end up the target lose weight or memory). She can also trap her target she touches in a huge paper and she keeps them in a picture frame so they wont escape Like an Animation Frame.
Basically,Her DF ability was a mix of Rohan Kishibe's Heaven's Door from JOJO part 4 and Naobito/Naoya Zenin's Projection sorcery from jujutsu kaisen....and paper cuts.
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Height comparison with lucci cuz why not?
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